Managing Custom Tracks

Admins will be able to view glanceable statistics across all active assignments for the respective Track. To access the Track Details screen, click any of the View Track Details.

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The Track Details screen is broken down into two sections. The section on the left lists out all of the content in the track at the Course and Workshop level.

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Each card includes two statistics. The first number represents the percentage of assigned members who have completed the respective course or workshop across all assignments. The second number represents the number of members who are currently taking that course or workshop. (To see an assignment level version of these statistics, see the Reporting Section).

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On the main track card, you’ll see:

  • The total hours of content in the Track
  • Members: Total members currently assigned to the Track
  • Assignments: Number of assignments active on the Track
  • Track Completions: Number of members who have completed the Track

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Below the general track stats, you have tabs for Member Activity and Assignments. Member Activity displays the 5 most active and least active students over the last 7 days, with the number of activities they’ve completed.

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Clicking on any of the member names will direct you to their Profile page, where you can view detailed information on what they’ve taken and their progress.

Clicking on the Assignments tab displays all of the assignments for the Track. Currently, this is sorted by oldest assignment at the top. You’ll see more options:

  • Click on the Graph icon, displaying the report for the respective assignment
  • Click the “+” icon, bringing up the same Assignment model seen on the Track listing page
  • Click Create a New Assignment, revealing the same assignment creation experience seen on the Track listing page

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Finally, clicking on the Assignment name displays all of the members currently on the track with actions to remove members, add members, edit the Assignment Name and Due Date, and archive the assignment. The edit and archive options are found by clicking the Edit button.

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Course Retirements & Track Updates

In the case that an assigned Custom or pre-built Track has courses that are marked for retirement or a new Track version is available, the following takes place:

  • A new Track version is automatically created for each of the affected pre-built Tracks or Custom Tracks. The retired course is removed from the new version, and any replacement course(s) are added in the same spot.
  • An email is sent notifying the Assignment Owner (Admin who initiated the assignment)  of the changes with information on how to update the Track. The information will include which course(s) will be updated and how many students will be affected by the change.

When making these updates, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Assignments must be updated by the Assignment Owner to the latest version of the Track. We will not automatically migrate them.
  • It’s important to note that any member who has already completed the removed course(s) will not receive completion credit for its replacement, which will be reflected in the Track Completion % in the Assignment Owner’s Track reporting.
  • If a Track version with a retired course is not updated by the Assignment Owner after 6 months, we will automatically remove the retired course from the affected Custom Track(s).
  • You can always contact your Customer Success Manager before updating the Track’s content if you have any questions!

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