Archiving Tracks and Assignments

Archiving Tracks

Archiving custom or pre-built tracks allows you to stop all email notifications associated with the track and its due dates. Archiving a track will also archive all of the assignments associated with that track. This stops email progress updates and due date reminders to admins and users. Archiving tracks also allows you to clear your Company Library of any tracks that you no longer use.

To archive a track:

  • Go to your Company Library in the My Org tab
  • Select the drop-down arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the track you wish to archive
  • Select “Archive”
  • A prompt will appear reminding you that this action will archive all assignments in the track
  • Select “Okay”

If you wish to view an archived track, you can do so by selecting the down arrow on the “Active Tracks” button in the upper right-hand corner of your Company Library.

Archiving Assignments

Archiving assignments will stop all email progress reports and due date reminders to admins and users associated with that particular assignment. Archiving an individual assignment will not affect the track or the other assignments within that track.

To archive an assignment:

  • Select an assignment in the track
  • Select the “Archive” button in the upper right-hand corner
  • A prompt will appear asking you if you really want to archive this assignment; select the “Okay” button

You may view archived assignments by selecting the drop-down arrow next to the “Active Assignments” button

Please Note: Archived tracks and assignments cannot be restored. You may, however, still view the progress history associated with the archived track or assignment.

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